Body Literacy with Daysy
How well do you know your body?
It’s important to recognize changes in your body (e.g. cervical mucus secretion, breast pain, or abdominal pain) as they relate to your fertility. Most women have a general idea about when they will get their period, the signs and symptoms associated with their menstrual cycle, but have no foundational knowledge about their fertility.
Sexual and reproductive health education starts during our formative years, but the information we learn often eludes us as we get older. In a survey assessing fertility knowledge of almost 600 men and women in Canada, there was a difference in actual knowledge and perceived knowledge. Both men and women perceived themselves to have some knowledge about fertility despite scoring low on a questionnaire. Understanding changes in fertility throughout the menstrual cycle and lifecycle through body literacy empowers women. So, what exactly is body literacy?(1)
Body literacy is defined as, "...having the self-knowledge gained by learning to observe and chart scientifically proven signs of fertility and infertility, as well as other health and wellness observations."
By bridging knowledge gaps, body literacy fosters positive conversations around reproductive health, informed decision-making, and women’s empowerment. It also helps women identify normal changes (i.e. signs and symptoms) during the menstrual cycle and gives them the confidence to continue talking about these changes. When women are able to understand their reproductive health, it can help them identify disruptions in their health and articulate them to a healthcare provider. Equipping women with actionable information and terminology about their bodies encourages informed medical decision-making, which undoubtedly improves reproductive health outcomes. Information sharing through tools like Daysy increases body literacy.
"Daysy has taught me so much about my body." - Daysy User
Designed and developed with women in mind, Daysy caters to every woman’s individual cycle. Daysy is a smart, easy-to-use, fertility tracking device that uses basal body temperature (BBT) measurements and a sophisticated algorithm to identify changes in fertility. Fertility information is displayed to the user through easy to understand LED-lights that light up red (fertile), green (infertile), or yellow (learning phase). Based on this information, women can make informed decisions around their reproductive health goals.
Research has found that equipping women with fertility-related information contributes to greater reproductive health knowledge.(2) In a survey of 100 Daysy users, 96% of participants reported that Daysy helped them learn more about their body/fertility.
"I have loved using my Daysy. I feel empowered and more aware and connected to my own body." - Daysy user
With fertility information at the tip of their fingers, women have increased access to personalized information, empowering them to be proactive about their health. Daysy has the power to increase body literacy, foster positive conversations around fertility by providing easy to understand information, and empower women to make healthy decisions.
Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.
Author: Liya Haile