Diseases / Cycle Problems

Cycle problems or menstrual disorders can be a burden for women. They can be caused by various factors such as hormonal imbalances, stress, diet, or certain medical conditions. Common cycle problems include irregular periods, intense menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea), heavy or light bleeding, and absence of menstruation (amenorrhea). It is important to identify the underlying causes to find appropriate treatment. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and to receive the best possible support.


Cycle disorders can have many causes - from hormonal fluctuations to stress. Learn when you should see a doctor and how Daysy can help you identify changes in your cycle.

Our bodies respond to stress with hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, while the hypothalamus controls both stress and reproduction. Studies show surprising links between stress reduction and cycle normalization. Read on to find out how you can combat stress with sleep, diet and exercise.

You've stopped taking the pill and expect to have a natural cycle? But instead your period stays away and you struggle with unexpected discomfort? It could be the "post-pill syndrome". Find out why you don't have to panic at first and how you can support yourself during this transition phase.

Discover what's behind the distressing physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms many women experience each month and find out what factors may be at play, from hormones to genetic predispositions.

Your thyroid plays a crucial role in your cycle. An underactive thyroid gland can lead to temperature fluctuations, irregular menstrual cycles and other symptoms. Learn how to recognize the signs.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects many women. It can affect fertility and bring other numerous symptoms. Discover how to recognize the signs of PCOS and what steps you can take.

Iron deficiency is a common deficiency condition that primarily affects women. Find out what role iron plays in the body, how iron deficiency manifests itself and why it is particularly relevant for women.

Your immune system during the menstrual cycle: an exciting interplay between hormones and defenses. Find out how your body's immune response changes over the course of your menstrual cycle and why you may be more susceptible to infections during certain phases.

Have you noticed how your skin and hair change during your cycle? Hormones like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone not only affect your fertility, but also your skin and hair. Find out why your sebaceous glands play an important role and how hormonal fluctuations can lead to blemished skin, oily hair and hormonal pimples.

Is your menstrual cycle irregular? Are you experiencing spotting, facing fertility challenges, or grappling with the uncertainty of menopause? These situations often prompt the consideration of hormone testing, particularly progesterone testing. But what do these tests really indicate? Discover when and why you should consider progesterone testing in five common scenarios.

This comprehensive article delves into the intricate factors contributing to cystitis, including the role of female anatomy, susceptibility to bacterial infections, and various risk factors. Learn how to diagnose and prevent UTIs, including practical tips for adequate hydration, toilet habits, and avoiding irritants.

Cycle-related breast pain typically occurs between ovulation and the start of the next menstrual period, driven by hormonal changes. Read on if you want to know how chest pain develops and what you can do to relieve it.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is an intensified form of monthly hormonal fluctuations which can lead to severe emotional and physical symptoms that disrupt daily life. Learn more about the challenges in its diagnosis, potential causes, and personalized treatment approaches.