New Year, New You:

new year

How Daysy can help you set goals for 2020!

Happy New Year Daysies! As you prepare to set your 2020 resolutions, don’t forget about setting goals for your reproductive health. Regardless of your relationship status and/or fertility intentions, goal setting is important for continued motivation and increased self-efficacy and accountability. Setting goals will keep you focused and help you maintain momentum during your journey to understanding your fertility. Take the time to think about what you want to learn and achieve this year in terms of your body. Don’t limit yourself to yearly goals, set monthly fertility goals!

"Daysy has helped me learn loads more about my cycle! Before Daysy I was tracking my cycle with another app without taking my temperature and never really had much clarity around when my fertile and non fertile windows truly started and ended. Now there’s no question and it’s such a relief!" - Daysy User

Knowledge about your fertility is important for making healthy reproductive decisions, however most women and men have very little knowledge. A large study found that the average score on a fertility knowledge survey of over 10,000 men and women (8,355 women, 1,690 men) was 56.9%. A quantitative survey of women age 18-24 (n=342) evaluated self-perceived and actual knowledge of fertility and fertility health risk factors. The study found that women who had higher scores of knowledge about fertility and used fertility awareness methods had less self-reported fertility health risk factors.(1) Although the literature has shown that fertility knowledge is low among men and women, Daysy provides a unique opportunity to increase fertility knowledge through an innovative approach.(2) 

"My experience with Daysy has been a learning journey…...I wish I would’ve known more about my body years ago the way I do currently! Each cycle I continue to understand the “what”, “how” and “why” of my body." - Daysy User

So, you are probably wondering how Daysy can help you meet your fertility knowledge and body literacy goals in 2020. To answer these questions, let’s discuss how women use Daysy and what kind of information the device provides. Users measure their basal body temperature under their tongue with Daysy in the morning, immediately after waking up and before getting up, and confirm menstruation. The device uses a series of LED lights, red (fertile), green (infertile), or yellow (learning phase) to indicate fertility status. Furthermore, Daysy has a supplemenatry app called DaysyDay, available on iOS and Android platforms, that graphically display users’ data. With Daysy and the accompanying app, users are able to see shifts in their basal body temperature in respect to bi-phasic changes in their menstrual cycle. Every day of their menstrual cycle, women are able to know where they are in their cycle (fertile or non-fertile day), increasing their knowledge of their own fertility. Equipping women with fertility information will help them make decisions that align with their reproductive goals. Learning about your fertility is a process that Daysy can help you achieve in 2020.

Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
USD 269.00 USD 319.00

Until 03/31/2025

Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.



Author: Liya Haile