NFP Methods: Natural family planning methods

Natural family planning methods integrated into a modern device

NFP stands for Natural Family Planning methods in harmony with your natural cycle. NFP methods are completely natural, and when executed correctly, they can be very accurate. The only disadvantage is the relatively high effort that is required to get a reliable result. When practicing classic NFP without a cycle tracker, you have to collect, record and analyse a rather large amount of data. The most important element is to take your daily temperature with a suited and precise thermometer. From these temperature values, you create a temperature curve that you then have to evaluate according to exact rules. This evaluation should already indicate to you when you will be ovulating. In order to be sure, the temperature method is frequently combined with other methods, such as analysing the cervical mucus or determining the value of the TSH-hormone. In order to plan a pregnancy, the results from the temperature method could suffice – but the result is not accurate enough.

NFP methodsNFP methods

Daysy makes the natural family planning method simpler than ever!

Regardless of whether you use natural family planning methods in order to get pregnant or not getting pregnant, the time commitment is rather large and requires a lot of discipline and self-control. Not every woman finds enough quiet time in her days to look into her cycle and its signals. That's why we developed Daysy. The menstrual cycle tracker Daysy takes the calculation off your shoulders and shows you with a very high accuracy whether you are currently fertile. Daysy makes the NFP method comfortable, time-saving, and reliable.

Using Daysy is very simple: Simply take your basal temperature in the morning while still in bed. Thanks to its highly sensitive test prod, Daysy measures under your tongue in under 60 seconds. Then you might need to confirm via the push of a button that you are currently menstruating. That's it! Right away, Daysy displays your fertility status during the next 24 hours. With the fertility tracker Daysy, you enjoy all the advantages of the NFP method without the effort.

Getting pregnant fast and all natural with the natural family planning method

The good thing about NFP methods is that you can use knowing your fertility status as needed. How you use Daysy never changes – only you get to decide what to do with your knowledge about your fertility. With the fertility computer Daysy and the NFP method, you always plan in harmony with your natural rhythm. Enjoy the freedom to decide.

Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
USD 269.00 USD 319.00

Until 03/31/2025

Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.