Ovulation calendar

Daysy - easy, comfortable and precise!

Daysy distinguishes your fertile from your infertile days accurately for you!  Daysy makes your natural family planning easy and comfortable. 

In order for Daysy to be able to calculate your fertile days as precisely as possible, you have to use it every morning prior to getting up. All you need to do is measure the basal temperature underneath your tongue and wait until you hear a signal sound. The measurement takes about 60 seconds! Later Daysy might ask you to confirm via the push of a button that you are currently on your period. You will immediately see via a colorful light whether you are currently fertile or not.

Ovulation calendar

Red means that you are fertile / possibly fertile. If Daysy's light is green it means that you are not fertile. 

Calculate your fertile days: have an overview with Daysy's ovulation calendar

But Daysy offers you even more: With the practical ovulation app "DaysyDay" for your smartphone or tablet you can keep an eye on your current ovulation calendar or view a practical preview of the next month. The preview is also ideally suited to plan activities for when you do not want to be menstruating, such as going swimming or doing certain types of exercise. "DaysyDay" also displays your temperature curve. Beyond that you can also take notes in Daysy's ovulation app and record, for instance, when you have had sex. If you want, you can also share this calendar with your partner. 

Daysy - Your personal fertility tracker (incl. app DaysyDay)
USD 269.00 USD 319.00

Until 03/31/2025

Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle.