How to know if you are pregnant?

Only a blood test or a home pregnancy test can tell you if you are pregnant for sure. Even home pregnancy tests can falsely indicate pregnancy on some occasions.

However, overall, they offer a reliable answer for over 99% of cases. If you find yourself wondering, ‘Am I pregnant?’, check these symptoms.

Often times, women will experience changes in their bodies as early as one week after conception. When to take a pregnancy test: at that time, it is too early for standard pregnancy tests to detect the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in the urine. Women who are in tune with their bodies can often tell by listening to their bodies´ changes.

Am I pregnant?

Some of the early signs of pregnancy include breast tenderness, smell sensitivity and fatigue. Fatigue can occur very early on, due to high levels of progesterone, as well as lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

Another early pregnancy indicator can be cramping and spotting, known as implantation bleeding. These symptoms are many times mistaken as pre-menstrual symptoms. A missed menstruation a couple weeks thereafter can then be an additional sign for pregnancy. Now, a pregnancy test can give clarity.

Nausea (or morning sickness) frequently accompanies many pregnancies during the first trimester; however, it usually does not start until a few weeks after conception. Even though often referred to as “morning sickness,” nausea can occur at any time of the day, and is often triggered by certain smells.

Many women experience additional symptoms like mood swings, headaches, dizziness, and constipation in early pregnancy stages.

If you are experiencing all or some of the signs of pregnancy above, there is a strong possibility that you could be pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test and schedule an appointment with your healthcare professional to get confirmation.

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